Pool Sanitizer
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Pool Sanitizer Backyard Brands - Dazzle Mega Tabs (DAZ01105*)

Mega Tabs

Item ID: (DAZ01105*)
Brand: Backyard Brands - Dazzle

Product Variations
Mega Tabs 5.8kg
Mega Tabs 7kg
Mega Tabs 21kg

3", 200g tablets of 100% Trichloro-s-triazinetrione for controlling algae and bacteria in swimming pool water. Ideal for skimmer feed, some auto chlorinators and floaters in smaller water volumes.


Pool Sanitizer Backyard Brands - Dazzle Pure Wow Protect Sticks (DAZ01109*)

Pure Wow Protect Sticks

Item ID: (DAZ01109*)
Brand: Backyard Brands - Dazzle

Product Variations
Pure Wow Protect Sticks 4kg
Pure Wow Protect Sticks 6.5kg
Pure Wow Protect Sticks 13kg
Pure Wow Protect Sticks 2kg
Pure Wow Protect Sticks 20kg

Magnum 250g cylindrical sticks of 100% Trichloro-s-triazinetrione for controlling algae and bacteria in swimming pool water. Ideal for longer-lasting skimmer feed, some auto chlorinators and floaters in smaller water volumes. Also as a chlorine/stabilizer booster for salt chlorinated pools. Recommended as Step 3 of the Dazzle™ Healthier Pool Care Program for Guaranteed Algae-Free Results.


Pool Sanitizer Backyard Brands - Dazzle Amaze Plus (DAZ02809*)

Amaze Plus

Item ID: (DAZ02809*)
Brand: Backyard Brands - Dazzle

Product Variations
Amaze Plus 350g (1 x 12 per case)
Amaze Plus 8kg
Amaze Plus 350g (40 per case)

All the benefits of our popular shock, Amaze, but with a chlorine boost. Possessing strong oxidation potential, Amaze Plus is ideal for weekly use to rid pool water of non-filterable wastes, restore water sparkle and comfort and provide a 2.0 - 3.0 ppm boost to the chlorine residual. Contains a blend of oxidizers, clarifiers, water enhancers and a fast dissolving stabilized chlorine compound for optimal performance. Can be used with any sanitizer program including bromine and salt chlorination. Recommended as Step 1 of the Dazzle™ Healthier Pool Care Program for Guaranteed Algae-Free Results.


Pool Sanitizer Backyard Brands - Dazzle Bromine Tablets (DAZ01519*)

Bromine Tablets

Item ID: (DAZ01519*)
Brand: Backyard Brands - Dazzle

Product Variations
Bromine Tablets 8kg
Bromine Tablets 18kg
Bromine Super Tablets 7kg
Bromine Super Tablets 14kg

1 inch bromine tablets (Bromo-Chloro-Dimethylhydantoin) for controlling algae and bacteria in swimming pool water. For use in Brominators or for skimmer feed.


Pool Sanitizer Backyard Brands - Dazzle Chlorine and Bromine Neutralizer 1kg (DAZ01530)

Chlorine and Bromine Neutralizer 1kg

Item ID: (DAZ01530)
Brand: Backyard Brands - Dazzle

A quick and easy way to remove excess chlorine or bromine from pools and hot tubs.


Pool Sanitizer Backyard Brands - Dazzle Premium Unstabalized Chlorine (DAZ02605*)

Premium Unstabalized Chlorine

Item ID: (DAZ02605*)
Brand: Backyard Brands - Dazzle

Product Variations
Premium Unstabalized Chlorine 8kg
Premium Unstabalized Chlorine 20kg

A premium, quick dissolving, unstabilized granular chlorine for daily, hand-feed application to control algae and bacteria in swimming pool water. Contains 65% Calcium Hypochlorite. Can also be used for periodic shock or super chlorination treatments.


Pool Sanitizer Backyard Brands - Dazzle Pristiva Premium Salt (PRC35120)

Pristiva Premium Salt

Item ID: (PRC35120)
Brand: Backyard Brands - Dazzle

Pristiva Premium Salt. The highest quality Canadian salt in eye-catching retail packaging. Not all salts are the same! Use as needed to establish and maintain desired salinity level (based on chlorinator manufacturer specs); typically 3,200 - 4,000 ppm. Kicks-off the Pristiva system for unmatched performance.


Pool Sanitizer Backyard Brands Mini Tabs (DAZ01101*)

Mini Tabs

Item ID: (DAZ01101*)
Brand: Backyard Brands

Product Variations
Mini Tabs 2kg
Mini Tabs 7kg
Mini Tabs 20kg
Mini Tabs 21kg

1 inch tablets of 100% Trichloro-s-triazinetrione for controlling algae and bacteria in swimming pool water. Ideal for floaters and auto chlorinators. The small size also lends itself to small water volumes where a 20g tablet is sized more appropriately.


Pool Sanitizer Backyard Brands Chlor Capsules - 6kg (DAZ02606)

Chlor Capsules - 6kg

Item ID: (DAZ02606)
Brand: Backyard Brands

A good option for pool owners looking for a sanitizer that won’t add to existing stabilizer levels. A top quality calcium hypochlorite product - 70% Calcium Hypochlorite. Sleeved for more convenient application. For skimmer use only.


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