Hot Tub Balancers
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Hot Tub Balancers Backyard Brands - Dazzle Balance TA+ (DAZ08030)

Balance TA+

Item ID: (DAZ08030)
Brand: Backyard Brands - Dazzle

A granular, alkaline mineral compound used to raise total alkalinity in hot tub water. When TA is balanced, corrosion of surfaces is reduced and pH is buffered effectively and less likely to shift.


Hot Tub Balancers Backyard Brands - Dazzle Balance pH+ (DAZ08033)

Balance pH+

Item ID: (DAZ08033)
Brand: Backyard Brands - Dazzle

A granular, alkaline mineral that raises pH quickly and efficiently to prevent corrosion, allow sanitizers to work efficiently and maintain water comfort.


Hot Tub Balancers Backyard Brands - Dazzle Balance pH- (DAZ08036)

Balance pH-

Item ID: (DAZ08036)
Brand: Backyard Brands - Dazzle

A granular acid formulation that safely lowers pH to prevent scale formation, cloudy water, allow sanitizers to work efficiently and maintain water comfort.


Hot Tub Balancers Backyard Brands - Dazzle Balance TH+ (DAZ08039)

Balance TH+

Item ID: (DAZ08039)
Brand: Backyard Brands - Dazzle

Mineral composition used to raise hardness levels in hot tub water to prevent corrosion and help maintain overall water balance and comfort.


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